Spring Cleaning!

Ok – the Spring Cleaning has officially begun around here.  It started out slow:  an hour in the garden last week, a little extra sweeping.  But it’s on the upswing now.  Sunday, after Rick installed the new washer, I spent a good chunk of the afternoon hand scrubbing the kitchen/laundry floor and baseboard.  I washed the lower cabinet doors and washed all the rugs.  I’ve been chipping away at the office piles and did load after load of laundry for twos days straight.

Over the last three or so years I use these checklists from Woman’s Day magazine to get me through my Spring Cleaning.  I also use a checklist from the Martha Stewart Homekeeping Handbook which now lives on a shelf above my laundry area (since I was most often referring to the laundry section in the book). 

Yesterday would have been a perfect day to wash the windows – nice and cloudy, but I really like to do this chore on a weekend when Rick is home.  The inside windows are no problem, but it’s the outside of the windows that I need someone else to keep an eye on the kiddos for.  I actually like doing this chore.  It’s kind of methodical and I love the way the house seems to sparkle when it’s done.

Today we are going to the garden center!  The To-Do list for this weekend seems to be getting longer and longer.  Garden chores, yard chores, and cleaning chores keep getting added to the list. 

What about you, have you started your spring cleaning?  Do you have a routine?  What do you do?

Categories: Urban Homesteading | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “Spring Cleaning!

  1. Oh, I think these checklists are going to be helpful. I don’t have a spring cleaning routine– which is probably why it doesn’t happen– but this year (since we’re not moving, which is when most of my purging/cleaning seems to happen) I want to get things clean. Thanks!

  2. Andrea

    I never thought to use checklists, duh! Thanks! It’s spring cleaning here too…good thing the weather is nice.

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