reCAP Mason Jar Caps

Sorry for the lack of posts this week and only minimal last week.  We’ve been ridiculously busy between hunting and H’s birthday and such.  I’ve got a couple of posts in the works that should hopefully be up soon.  But in the mean time, I had to share this.  Thanks to Erica for pointing me in this direction.

I had to share about this project – the reCAP Mason Jar Cap and the cool site,, that is helping the reCAP’s inventor get funding.

The reCAP is a BPA free, recyclable, reusable plastic screw top cap to fit regular mason jars.  It’s a one piece design, great for pouring.  And it’s inventor is getting funding through people’s online donations on the site  I believe she has already reached her funding goal of $10,000 by November 8th, but people can still back her project  (as little as a dollar or up to $350) if they are interested.  I did, and in return I’ll get to try one of the reCAPs as soon as they are made (projected to be January).

I had to share this because I think both the reCAP and the kickstarter site are great ideas.

Check them out here:

If you are an entrepreneur, check out the kickstart site.  The site collects pledges for you and if your goal is not met, nobody looses out, but if it is, you get the money you need to get started.  Fabulous!  So much better than a loan!

I can’t wait to try my reCAP!

Categories: Canning and Food Preservation, Community, Recommended Reading | Tags: | 6 Comments

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6 thoughts on “reCAP Mason Jar Caps

  1. theresa

    thanks for sharing this, what a cool idea. no credit card so I couldn’t pledge but will be looking for them in the stores!

    • I think you can pay through Amazon – is PayPal an option or a debit card? Our debit is linked to our Amazon account (we’ve paid off and canceled our CC’s!).

  2. The caps I bought from Ball are BPA free. They don’t have a pouring spout, which would be cool for some things, but they’re great for other things. I’ve taken to using canning jars for most of my leftovers in the fridge, like the soup I made tonight.

  3. No kidding! I love this. Thanks for passing it on. I too pledged because basically I want to buy that product, which I think is a sign it’s got real market potential. Love this small scale investment for real grass roots “economic stimulus.”

  4. Okay, not at all in the spirit of supporting small businesses…but someone on another blog pointed out that the screw top from Kraft Parmesan cheese fits on a narrow mason jar. I never buy the stuff myself but I do know people who do…so perhaps not a bad option for a pouring lid while you’re waiting for the good ones. It also makes me wonder what other tops fit on standard jars….

  5. That’s a great idea! Thanks for passing this on. I really like the pour spout as well as supporting a new small business. We’ll probably be pledging/preordering also. So nice for home canned sauces, juices, etc.

    Another cool product you may be interested in: Tattlers reusable mason jar lids for canning. BPA free and reusable so less waste (both financially and environmentally). We just got some and are about to try them for the first time…I’ll let you know how it goes.

What do you think?

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